Board Member Elections


State Personnel Board elections are held periodically pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-50-103(3)(B) and Board Rule 1-2.

To be eligible to serve on the Colorado State Personnel Board, a person: (1) must be a qualified state elector in the State of Colorado; and (2) may not be an officer or employee of the State of Colorado or of any state employee organization. 

To be eligible to vote in a Board election, a person must be a certified state employee.

Vacancies occurring for elected positions on the Board are announced on this website. In order to be included on a ballot for an elected position, eligible candidates must obtain a number of verified signatures from certified state employees on official nomination petitions. Certified state employees are eligible to vote for their candidate of choice. The candidate obtaining the most votes is certified as elected to the Board.

2025 Election

The Colorado State Personnel Board announces that a vacancy will occur when the first term of Euell Thomas expires on June 30, 2025.  Euell Thomas has served as a Board Member from July 2022 to the present.  Thomas is eligible for a second term on the Board.

The State Personnel Board is an independent state agency created by Article XII, Section 14(1) of the Colorado Constitution.  Pursuant to Article XII, Section 14(3), the Board promulgates rules governing the state personnel system.  Pursuant to Article XII, Section 13(8), the Board hears appeals by certified state employees of disciplinary actions.  The Board may also use its discretion to grant a hearing as authorized by statute.

The State Personnel Board consists of five members, two of whom are elected by certified state employees and three who are appointed by the Governor.  All members serve overlapping, three-year terms and may succeed themselves in office one time.  Board members must be qualified state electors in the State of Colorado. Board members may not be an officer or employee of the State of Colorado or of any state employee organization.  Duties of Board members include considering recommendations for petitions for hearing and final orders issued by the administrative law judges; reviewing appeals of initial decisions and briefs filed by parties; and developing and adopting Board Rules.  The Board holds public meetings on the third Tuesday of every month.  To promote public attendance and statewide accessibility by all, meetings take place remotely using a webinar platform.

To be placed on the ballot as a candidate for the State Personnel Board vacancy, a candidate must provide nominating signatures of a minimum of 50 certified State employees Pursuant to Board Rule 1-32.1, a “certified” state employee is a state employee “who has successfully completed a probationary period or a trial service period.”

There are two ways for candidates to collect signatures:

Nominating Petition Form Use for collecting signatures from multiple certified employees.  Each line of the Nominating Petition Form must include all requested information, including the employee’s signature.

Employee Nomination Form.  Use for collecting signatures from individual certified employees.  Employees may complete and sign an Employee Nomination Form, save it electronically (preferably as a PDF), and send it via email to a candidate or a person working for a candidate.  The Employee Nomination Form must include all requested information, including the employee’s signature.

Candidates must collect at least 50 signatures using the multi-employee Nominating Petition Form, the individual Employee Nomination Form, or a combination of both.  Candidates must return the completed forms to the Board office by 5:00 pm on April 25, 2025.  The completed forms will be reviewed by Board staff and unverifiable signatures will not count.  State employees must be certified in order to be eligible to sign a Nominating Petition Form or an Employee Nomination Form.

During work time, state employees may not engage in campaign related activities like collection of signatures, advocacy, message development, or fundraising. Campaign activities should be conducted after hours and away from state offices.  However, the Board does not object to state employees taking a brief period to complete and transmit their own Employee Nomination Form to a candidate or a person working for a candidate.

The election for the State Personnel Board is scheduled for May 9 through May 30, 2025.


For questions please contact the Board Director at 303-866-5776 or at dpa_state.personnelboard@state.co.us.

If you have any questions about serving as an elected Board member, please contact the Board Director at 303-866-5776 or dpa_state.personnelboard@state.co.us