Board Member Elections


State Personnel Board elections are held periodically pursuant to § 24-50-103(3)(B), C.R.S. and Board Rule 1-2.

To be eligible to serve on the Colorado State Personnel Board, a person: (1) must be a qualified state elector in the State of Colorado; and (2) may not be an officer or employee of the State of Colorado or of any state employee organization. 

To be eligible to vote in a Board election, a person must be a certified state employee.

Vacancies occurring for elected positions on the Board are announced on this website. In order to be included on a ballot for an elected position, eligible candidates must obtain a number of verified signatures from certified state employees on official nomination petitions. Certified state employees are eligible to vote for their candidate of choice. The candidate obtaining the most votes is certified as elected to the Board.


The State Personnel Board previously announced that David Ruchman’s first term expires on June 30, 2024. In accordance with C.R.S. § 24-50-103(3), the announcement included notice of an election for the position. The Board distributed the announcement electronically to state employees and posted it on this page of the Board’s website. The announcement set April 26, 2024, as the deadline for candidates to return nominating petitions with 50 signatures of certified state employees.

The Board completed its review of the nominating petitions on May 2, 2024. David Ruchman was the only person nominated with the requisite number of valid petitions. Ruchman provided more than the minimum of 50 valid signatures; no other candidate submitted any nominating petitions. Therefore, Ruchman’s nomination is uncontested.

Since Ruchman’s nomination is uncontested, there will not be an election as originally scheduled for May 9-30, 2024. Pursuant to Board Rule 1-2(E)(3), Ruchman is elected to serve a second term on the Board. Ruchman’s second term starts on July 1, 2024 and ends on June 30, 2027.

Ruchman currently serves as the Board’s Vice Chair. Ruchman is a retired state employee and worked as a Hearing Officer for the Colorado Department of Revenue. Ruchman’s experience includes serving on the Regional Transportation District Board of Directors and serving on the First Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission. Ruchman is a qualified elector of the State of Colorado and is not an officer or employee of the state or a state employee organization.

On behalf of the State Personnel Board, thanks to everyone who participated in this important process.

For questions please contact the Board Director at 303-866-5776 or at dpa_state.personnelboard@state.co.us.

If you have any questions about serving as an elected Board member, please contact the Board Director at 303-866-5776 or dpa_state.personnelboard@state.co.us